Welcome to the 2022 edition of Spotlight, your annual publication with all the facts and figures on the Environment Agency Pension Fund (EAPF).
2021/22 has been another extraordinary year for the EAPF, both challenging and yet highly successful.
We continue to operate in a period of rapid change and uncertainty. Whether social, political, technological, or climatic, which impact everyone, to those more specific to us as a Fund, change and uncertainty are all around us.
We have over £4.8 billion of assets across both our Active and Closed Pension Funds.
We have just over 38,000 members and provide pension benefits for employees and former employees of the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and Shared Services Connected Limited.
Spotlight gives you a clear view of both the Active and Closed Funds’ financial performance to 31 March 2022.
There’s also a breakdown of the accounts so that you can see what has come in, and gone out of both Funds throughout the year, as well as updates on membership and asset allocation.
You can view our full annual report and financial statements for both funds on our website at www.eapf.org.uk/resources
Read our full EAPF annual reports
We hope you find Spotlight useful and interesting. We value your feedback, so if you have any comments to make or questions to ask, please contact us using the details on the last page.